2009-01-01 08:00:00 ~ 2013-01-01 08:00:00    

著 作:
1. Pan, Haihua (1995) Locality, Self-Ascription, Discourse Prominence, and Mandarin Reflexives. Ph.D. dissertation, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 230.
2. Pan, Haihua (1997) Constraints on Reflexivization in Mandarin Chinese. Garland Publishing, Inc., USA, pp. 275
3. 蒋严、潘海华(1998/2004)《形式语义学引论》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,550页。
4. Pan, Haihua (2001) Studies in Chinese Linguistics, vol. 2, editor, Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, pp. 248
5. 徐烈炯、潘海华(2005)《焦点结构和意义的研究》,北京外语教学与研究出版社,318页。
1. Pan, Haihua and Yan Jiang (200x) “NP Interpretation and Donkey Sentences in Chinese”, Journal of East Asian Linguistics.
2. Kit, Chunyu, Jonathan J. Webster, K. K. Sin, Haihua Pan, and Heng Li (2004) “Clause alignment for bilingual HK legal texts: A lexical-based approach” , International Journal of Corpus Lingusitics.
3. Pan, Haihua and Peppina P.-L. Lee (2004) “The Role of Pragmatics in Interpreting Chinese Perfective Markers -guo and -le”, Journal of Pragmatics 36(3): 441-466.
4. Pan, Haihua and Jianhua Hu (2003) “Prominence and Locality in the Binding of Mandarin Complex Reflexive ta-ziji (s/he-self)”, in Bodomo, A.B.& K.K. Luke, eds., Lexical-Functional Grammar Analysis of Chinese, the Monograph Series of Journal of Chinese Linguistics, No. 19, pp. 152-170.
5. Hu, Jianhua, Haihua Pan and Liejiong Xu (2001) “Is There a Finite vs. Nonfinite Distinction in Chinese”, Linguistics 39-6: 1117-1148.
6. Lee, Peppina P.-L. and Haihua Pan (2001) “The Chinese Negation Marker bu and Its Association with Focus”, Linguistics 39-4: 703-731.
7. Pan, Haihua (2001) “Why the Blocking Effect?” Syntax and Semantics vol. 33 Long Distance Reflexives, pp. 279-316, edited by Cole, P., G. Hermon and James C.-T. Huang, Academic Press.
8. Pan, Haihua (1998) “Closeness, Prominence, and Binding Theory”, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 16: 771-815.
9. Pan, Haihua (1996) “Mandarin Imperfective Aspect Zhe and Locative Inversion”, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 14: 409-432.
10. 潘海华、梁昊(2002) 优选论与汉语主语的确认。《中国语文》第1期,3-13页。
11. 潘海华、胡建华(2002) 汉语复合反身代词与英语反身代词比较研究。《外语教学与研究》第4期。
12. 胡建华、潘海华(2002) NP显著性的计算与汉语反身代词“自己”的指称。《当代语言学》第1期。
13. 潘海华、胡建华(2001) OT方案与照应语的约束。《外国语》第1期。
14. 李宝伦、潘海华(1999) 焦点与“不”字句的语义解释。《现代外语》第2期。
15. 潘海华(1997) 词汇映射理论及其在汉语研究中的应用。《现代外语》第4期。

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