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汪锋. 2013. 汉藏语言比较的方法与实践————汉、白、彝语比较研究. 北京:北京大学出版社. (In Chinese)
汪锋. 2012. 语言接触与语言比较————以白语为例. 北京:商务印书馆. (In Chinese)
Wang, Feng. 2006. Comparison of languages in contact: the distillation method and the case of Bai. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series B: Frontiers in Linguistics III. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. (In English)
Book Compilation 编著
蔡可(主编)、汪锋(副主编). 2012. 义务教育课程标准(2011年版)案例式解读-初中语文. 北京:教育科学出版社Educational Science Publishing House. (In Chinese)
汪锋、陈保亚. (编著) 2011语言的演变与分化,载《学习指导书》,第七章. 北京:北京大学出版社:100-108. (In Chinese)
汪锋、陈保亚. (编著) 2011语言的接触,载《学习指导书》,第八章. 北京:北京大学出版社:109-120.第八章. (In Chinese)
温儒敏(主编)、高秀芹、汪锋、邵燕君(副主编). 2010. 《北京大学中文系百年图史:1910-2010》. 北京大学出版社. (In Chinese)
Dai, Qingxia戴庆厦、Randy LaPolla罗仁地、Wang, Feng汪锋,ed. (主编) 2008 到田野去————语言学田野调查的方法与实践 [Go to the field- Methods and Implements of linguistic fieldwork]. Beijing北京:Minzu chubanshe民族出版社. (In Chinese)

Wang, Feng and Yaching Tsai. Chinese writing and Chinese literacy. In Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by William S-Y. Wang, and Chaofen Sun. London: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Wang, Feng. Language contact between Tibeto-Burman languages and the Han- Chinese. In Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by William S-Y. Wang, and Chaofen Sun. London: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Wang, Feng. Bai. In Encyclopedia of Chinese Linguistics, ed. by Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Zev Handel, and C. T. James Huang. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming).
汪锋.2013. 从田野调查看语言的记录与保护. 《北京大学学报•哲社版》第3期:85-90.
Wang, Feng. 2013. Report of Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (2012). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 40.1:246-253.
汪锋、陈卓娅. 2012. 高中文言文教学状况不容乐观————北大大一新生文言文状况调查研究. 《语文建设》11: 30-32.
汪锋.2012. 2012年全国高考语文卷古诗文部分研究. 《基础教育课程》9: 30-32.
汪锋. 2012.白、汉、彝关系语素分析. Chama gudao jikan茶马古道研究集刊 2. Kunming昆明: Yunnan University Press云南大学出版社: 142-149(In Chinese).
陈保亚、汪锋. 2012. 汉语-藏缅语同源的两个词汇有阶分布证据[Two Evidences from the Rank Analysis for the Genetic Relationship between Chinese and Tibeto-Burman Languages].《云南师范大学学报-哲学社会科学版》V44.5:13-17. (In Chinese) 2012年9月.
陈保亚、汪锋. 2012. 试论重构原始语言的若干原则————以原始彝语的声调及前置声母*h- 和*/-为例[On Several Principles in Reconstructing a Proto-language——With the reconstruction of tone and pre-initial *h- and */- of Proto-Yi]. 《语言学论丛》45:128-156. (In Chinese) 2012年8月.
汪锋. 2012.从汉白比较看上古汉语部分韵部的重构. 林超民 主编《木芹教授从事学术活动五十五周年纪念文集》,昆明:云南民族出版社:662-670.
Wang, Feng汪锋. 2011. Yuyinduiying de liangzhong fangkuan moshi ji qi houguo语音对应的两种放宽模式及其后果————以彝白比较为例[Two models to loosen the requirement of sound correspondence and their consequences]. 《语言学论丛》44:1-39. (In Chinese) 2011年12月.
Wang, Feng汪锋、Kong, Jiangping孔江平. 2011. Shuyu(sandong) shengdiao de shengxue yanjiu水语(三洞)声调的声学研究[An Acoustic Study on Tones of the Sandong Sui Language]. Minzu yuwen民族语文5:37-44.
Chen, Baoya and Feng Wang. 2011. On Several Principles in Reconstructing a Proto-language——With the reconstruction of tone and pre-initial *h- and */- of Proto-Yi. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 39.2:370-402. (In English)
陈保亚、汪锋、何方、陈泽浩. 2011. 论澳越语的语源关系及其谱系关系. 载丁邦新、孙宏开主编《汉藏语同源词研究(四)————上古汉语侗台语关系研究》:71-150. 南宁:广西民族出版社.2011年6月.
Wang, Feng汪锋. 2011. Cong hanzang yuyan kan jiu wenhuaquan yu chamagudao从汉藏语言看酒文化圈与茶马古道[The cultural circle of alcohol from the perspective of Sino-Tibetan]. Kexue zhongguoren科学中国人10:22-26
Wang, Feng汪锋. 2010. Luelun yuyan yanjiu de lilun yuanze ji caozuo chengxu略论语源研究的理论原则及操作程序[Methodologies and framework of recognizing genetic relationship between languages]. Chama gudao jikan茶马古道研究集刊 1. Kunming昆明: Yunnan University Press云南大学出版社: 133-146(In Chinese).
Wang, Hongjun王洪君 and Wang, Feng汪锋. 2010. The Center for Chinese Linguistics at Peking University. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. 38.2: 404-411.
Wang, Feng汪锋、Chen, Baoya陈保亚. 2010. Yuanshi Yiyu原始彝语[Proto-Yi]. Chama gudao jikan茶马古道研究集刊 1. Kunming昆明: Yunnan University Press云南大学出版社:53-132 (In Chinese)
Chen Baoya陈保亚、Yang Haichao杨海潮、Wang Feng汪锋、Peng Yujuan彭玉娟、Zhou Ling周玲. 2010. 僰人源流的历史人类学研究[A Study of the Bo people from the perspective of historical anthorpology]. Chama gudao jikan茶马古道研究集刊 1. Kunming昆明: Yunnan University Press云南大学出版社:35-52 (In Chinese)
Wang Feng汪锋. 2010. Yu hanyu cilei xiangguan de jige jiben gainian与汉语词类相关的几个基本概念[On several basic concepts related to Chinese word classes]. Yuyanxue luncong 语言学论丛41. Beijing北京: the Commercial Press商务印书馆:62-76. (In Chinese)
Wang, Feng汪锋. 2010.Songjin duili de disanzhong laiyuan松紧对立的第三种来源:元音变化[The third source of lax/tense contrast: vowel change]. In Yanjiu zhi le- qingzhu wangshiyuan xiansheng qishiwu shouchen lunwenji研究之乐-庆祝王士元先生七十五寿辰论文集. Eds. Pan Wuyun潘悟云 and Shen Zhongwei沈钟伟. Shanghai上海: Shanghai jiaoyu chubanshe上海教育出版社: 349-364. (In Chinese)
Wang, Feng汪锋、Kong, Jiangping孔江平. 2010. 香港普通话近况[Putonghua in Hong Kong]. 载《2009年中国语言生活状况报告》[Language Situation in China:2009]. 北京:商务印书馆: 289-297. (In Chinese)
Wang, Feng汪锋、Kong, Jiangping孔江平. 2009. Wuding yiyu songjinyin yanjiu武定彝语松紧音研究[A study of Lax/tense voice in the Wuding Yi]. Zhongguo yuyanxue中国语言学2. Ji’nan济南: Shandong jiaoyu chubanshe山东教育出版社:98-118 (In Chinese).
Chen Baoya陈保亚、Yang Haichao杨海潮、Wang Feng汪锋、Peng Yujuan彭玉娟、Zhou Ling周玲.2009. Dian Bo gudao shang de boren diaocha yanjiu [A study of the Bo people of the Dian-Bo ancient road]滇僰古道上的僰人调查研究. Yunnan minzu daxue xuebao云南民族大学学报2:12-16. (In Chinese)
Wang, Feng. 2009. From literal/colloquial readings to historical strata_ A review of Chinese dialects and historical strata, edited by Ting (2008). Journal of Chinese Linguistics 37.1:163-183 (In English).
Chen, Baoya and Feng Wang. 2009. More Evidence for the Genetic Relationship between Austronesian and Kam-Tai. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 37.1:28-76. (In English).
Wang, Feng, Yaching Tsai and William S-Y. Wang. 2009. Chinese Literacy. In Handbook of Literacy, ed. by D. Olson & N. Torrance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press:386-417. (In English).

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